Final game


We have a rich tapestry of wildlife on the reserve, from exotic antelope including sable, kudu, impala, eland, blesbock and waterbuck to some of Africa's most iconic species, such as hippo, giraffe, warthog, zebra, ostrich, jackals, vervet monkey and baboon.

At night the reserve's secret side comes alive. During a moonlit game drive and using a powerful flashlight, you may well spot wild dog, leopard, hyena, porcupine and honey badger.

Our bird life at Nsele is exceptional. Expect to regularly see fish eagles, kingfishers, bee eaters, secretary birds, paradise whydahs, sunbirds, vultures, bustards, hammerkops, ibis and snake eagles.

A trip to Nsele is guaranteed to awaken the wildlife enthusiast in us all!